Friday, July 27, 2012


Today I finished the final art for my 10th (!) picture book, Xander's Panda Party by the wonderful Linda Sue Park (out next year from Clarion). I worked on Xander during the final months of completing my graphic novel (not recommended). Now that both are out of the studio, I do believe I will collapse rest a bit for the remainder of the summer.

Happy August!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Finished... for now

Today I completed painting my third graphic novel. The title of this story is Bluffton although keen followers of my exploits might also know it as "the one with Buster Keaton in it".  If all goes well (and by that I mean the tremendous amount of work still needed to be done, mostly by the team at Candlewick), Bluffton will be out in the fall of 2013.

So for now, a bit of rest and relaxation. Tomorrow, back to work.